4559 Montgomery Rd
Norwood, OH 45212
(513) 766-3595
Seek the Help You Need at a Brio Recovery Addiction Facility
When you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, it is imperative to seek help at a drug detox clinic. The treatment time in detoxification can last a few days to weeks in order to get the harmful chemicals out of your system. During this time, your counselors will meet with you to prepare an individualized addiction recovery program that will last 30 to 90 days. Some of the things that counselors will consider while creating your treatment plan is if you have an addiction to more than one drug or having a coexisting condition such as anxiety or depression.
Choose a Residential Treatment Program for Your Recovery from Drug Use
Our addiction treatment facility in Cincinnati, Ohio accepts clients on a rotating basis, so we have new people arriving frequently. This means that you will live in a residential drug rehab facility with other clients who are in different stages of recovery. Other residents can help you throughout the addiction recovery process, and you will get to meet them at group therapy sessions. Some of these individuals will become close friends who you will continue to have a relationship with long after you have left our addiction treatment facility.
Our Counselors Can Help You When You Have Intense Cravings for Drugs
Our Cincinnati addiction treatment center keeps you busy each day by having homework assignments such as writing in a journal along with attending counseling sessions several times a day. By staying in our Cincinnati addiction recovery facility, you are supervised closely to reduce your cravings in order to prevent a relapse. A counselor is always available to help you when you want to return to drug use. By communicating with your counselors immediately, you can reduce your cravings for substances.
Our Addiction Treatment Center Has Strict Protocols to Prevent Dangerous Relapses
Brio Recovery drug rehab centers don’t lock clients in their rooms during the recovery process, but we do have rules concerning leaving the facility. Some clients can’t handle the rehabilitation process, and they will leave our program without finishing. When this occurs and they return, a client must have a drug test to determine if they drank alcohol or used drugs. A client who has relapsed must return to a detoxification program before reentering the Cincinnati substance abuse treatment facility.
Choose an Addiction Recovery Center That Meets Your Needs
During your addiction recovery, you can learn how to use meditation or exercise to eliminate your cravings. Some of our clients also want to use spiritually to help them recover from their substance abuse. Each type of drug rehab facility provides different treatment programs to meet the needs of a variety of clients. It is important to select an addiction recovery program that suits your personality in order to overcome an addiction.
An Addiction Treatment Facility is a Safe Place to Stay During Recovery
You won’t need to worry about your safety in a substance abuse treatment facility because our clients are monitored by responsible employees and security cameras. Every client must follow the rules while undergoing treatment to avoid problems such as bringing in drugs or having physical altercations. When a client breaks the rules in our addiction recovery center, they must leave the program.
Choose a Residential or Outpatient Aftercare Program to Prevent a Relapse
After completing your treatment successfully, you will go through aftercare on your own. You will not only leave with the support and care of everyone you’ve met, you will leave with the guidance of a customized and comprehensive addiction treatment plan that will help you overcome your cravings and move on to a happy and rewarding life.